We are beyond excited to announce the latest releases on Sneak Dog Records:

🎵 Pre-Order Dog Party’s Hit & Run 12” Sneak Reissue (Sneaky Pink variant)
🎵 Dog Party’s Dangerous on Cassette (Clear Red) + includes limited hand screen printed bag
🎵 Teens In Trouble What’s Mine on CD

Plus all orderes placed today through Monday Decemeber 2nd 11:59PM PST on sneakdogrecords.com will include a Sneak Dog pin pack and sticker sheet while supplies last✨

Shop deals with 15% Sneak Dog Turntable Slipmats *discount applied at checkout*

NOTE: if you order other items with a PRE-ORDER, they will be shipped with said PRE-ORDER

  • Gwendolyn Giles

    In 2005 Gwendolyn picked up a guitar, smeared some of her mom’s eyeliner on, threw on a tie and assumed a rock n roll power stance. While the eyeliner symbolizes femininity, the tie captures her love for all things business (including spreadsheets). Nearly a quarter of a century later she is still hard chagrin and rock ‘n’ rollin!

  • Lizzie Killian

    Lizzie has been playing in punk bands since the early 2000s and currently leads her solo project-turned-rock outfit Teens In Trouble. Her entrepreneurial mindset dates back to 1995 where she was found re-selling her Halloween candy in the third grade. She's been awarded "Most Organized Person" by Mike Park.

  • Lucy Giles

    Following in her big sister’s footsteps, Lucy started bangin’ the drums and causin’ a ruckus at the age of 8. Fascinated by the technicolor world around her, she can’t help but to paint a picture- whether it be with her words or a paintbrush.  She would also do just about anything to dig through the dustiest record bins across the country searching for her favorite songs on 45rpm.